Stress Management
Stress Management Training workshop in Toronto::
Train4Career - Specializing in designing powerful Stress Management Training, Workshops and courses in Toronto, Canada, USA and Middle East.
The training workshop concentrates on how to maximize your effectiveness by defining expectations, establishing ground rules and gives you a new confidence. Following topics are covered in this one day workshop:
- What is stress
- Definition of stress
- Identify and Target Sources of Stress
- Causes of stress
- Brief history of stress study tools to pinpoint stressors
- Stress (diaries, SWOT-Analysis, Key, Management Plan)
- Cope with the Stress of Work Overload
- Basic skills needed to thrive in a challenging job
- Basic skills needed to thrive in a challenging job
- Job Analysis
- Time Management
- Valuing Your Time
- Activity Logs
- To Do Lists
- Effective Planning
- Delegation
- Survive the Stress of Problem
- Jobs Skills needed for jobs that are changing, have not been properly thought-through or are not supported by resources Pointers to handling truly unpleasant jobs
- Job Analysis
- Career Planning
- Work Harmoniously With Powerful People
- Working with people who have power over you, such as boss, important clients etc. Assertiveness
- Coping with unreasonable demands
- Stakeholder Management
- Overcome Co-Worker and Team Stress
- Managing co-worker and team stress
- Identifying possible structural problems
- with your team
- Ways of resolving interpersonal conflict
- within the team
- Assertiveness Team
- Negotiation Skills
- Setting Team Rules
- Manage Environmental Stress
- Managing the background environmental
- stress in your life to reduce your overall
- stress levels (Ergonomics, Furniture, Noise, Bad Air Quality, Commuting)
- Reducing Stress With Rational Thinking
- Avoiding negative thinking (Thought Awareness, Rational Thinking & Positive Thinking, Emotional Analysis, Cognitive Restructuring, Reducing the importance of an event, Reducing uncertainty, Tapping into imagery)
- Building Defenses Against Stress
- Managing a balance between work and private life (Support Network, Exercise, Rest, Relaxation and Sleep)
- Avoiding Burnout
- Burnout is a very real threat to people in challenging and stressful jobs, as it can quickly cause the end of otherwise promising careers(Identifying burnout pressure points, Avoiding burnout, Recover from burnout)
Course Outlines for 2-3 day Workshops available on request.
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Pay online through the secure online pay pal link provided.
Individuals wishing to pay thru Visa/Mastercard/Amex can call us at 647-748-7770/71
For organizations wishing to pay thru a company cheque, please request an Invoice and mail a cheque pay able to "1437467 Ontario Inc." and send to: 4789 Yonge Street, Suite 1014, North York, ON M2N0G3.
For any enquiry please call us at 647-748-7770/71 or email us at: support@train4career.net |