Listening Skills
The training workshop concentrates on how to maximize your effectiveness by defining expectations, establishing ground rules and gives you a new confidence. Following topics are covered in this one day workshop:
  1. The importance of listening
        -  Identify the difference between hearing and listening.
        -  Increase your productivity by listening.
        -  Use critical listening skills.
        -  Recognize different listening problems.
        -  Resist distractions while listening.
  2. Powerful Listening
        -  Types of listening
        -  Asking the right questions (, closed-ended questions and when to use each)
        -  Listening between the lines
        -  Listening practice
        -  Communicating with people you don't know well
        -  Listening to challenging speakers such as nonstop talkers, monotone speakers, boring presenters, big mouths, etc.
  3. Development of Listening Skills
        -  The 3 components of listening Hearing
        -  getting what the speaker is talking about Understanding
        -  checking the information against your own knowledge Judging
        -  deciding whether you believe the information or not
  4. Body Language/Nonverbal Communication
        -  nonverbal signals
Course Outlines for 2-3 day Workshops available on request.
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