Cross-Cultural Diversity Training
The workplace is like a small, diverse world, full of different races and religions. Cross-Cultural Diversity Training offers a host of benefits such as:
There are many more benefits that are listed not listed here. By attending this workshop, you and/or your company will see that culture is something to be embraced and can lead to various interesting opportunities in the future.
Diversity, Relationship and Cross-Cultural training has become an integral part of organizational development. This dynamic course is designed for all organizations seeking to create or enhance a meaningful process-driven diversity program that addresses key diversity, interpersonal, cross-cultural and other organizational challenges.
Diversity Training Toronto:
Train4Career provides Diversity Training Workshop in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, USA and Middle East which enable you to face cross-cultural challenges. Our Cross-Cultural Diversity Training Workshop in Toronto creates more business relationships.
Answer the tough questions asked in your organization:
· How do we create a system that is process driven yet
flexible and cost effective?
· Where do we start?
· What is the business case for diversity?
· Can the organization afford the time and development
costs to create a program?
· How do we create and utilize assessment tools?
· How can we create an efficient, effective training sequence
and process?
· When should senior management get involved?
· What must be in place to create systemic change at all
levels of the organization?
· Is a high priced consultant approach the only alternative?
· How do we manage conflict and other barriers?
· How can we build more effective diverse work teams?
· Can we improve communicating across differences?
· Learn to use technology to increase the scope of your
diversity training
How can you benefit from this course?
Personalized attention: Our staff will provide personalized training
Diagnose your company's strategy and create a vision for diversity
Prepare your company for change and the global marketplace
Save thousands of dollars in course development costs which include: research and development, material production costs, and high fees associated with external consultant costs
Help create a positive workplace environment which increases communication, decreases potential litigation, and improves productivity.
Course Outlines for 2-3 day Workshops available on request. |
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