Accent Reduction Training

The course takes what is termed a 'pure-sound' approach to learning standard American pronunciation. To put it simply, this course focuses on learning the 'music' of English as it spoken in the USA. The stress-timed nature of English is put emphasized with correct intonation, stress and liaison used to develop natural sounding speech patterns. These speech patterns are then combined with specific vowel and consonant patterns in connected speech in exercises which lead to improved, natural American sounding, pronunciation. This course help students determined to learn to speak with an American accent.

This course will definitely improve student's pronunciation and includes following:


Introduction to American Intonation This section helps the student become aware of the music of English as it is spoken in North America. You will learn about intonation and liaison
Refining your pronunciation Specific pronunciation problems including various vowel and consonant sounds.
Nationalities with particular problems arising Focus to arise from your own linguistic background (Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Indian, Russian, French, German, Korean)
Level Accepted : All Levels Available Formats for Employees and Managers At our training centre in downtown Toronto.

Full Time : 1 weeks (6 Hrs/day - 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM with one hour lunch break) weeknights/weekends
Part Time : 2 weeks (3 Hrs/day - 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM or 1:00 PM to 4 PM) weeknights/weekends
Cost : $3,999.00 + HST
We offer a 10% discount for each additional participant

Online Training

Please click here to register online or for more information contact us

Pay ment Options:

  • Pay online through the secure online pay pal link provided.
  • Individuals wishing to pay thru Visa/Mastercard/Amex can call us at 647-430-7478
  • For organizations wishing to pay thru a company cheque, please request an Invoice and mail a cheque pay able to " Key 2Careers" and send to: 920 Yonge Str, Suite 802, Toronto, Ont. M4W3C7.